+2 votes
by (1.8k points)
Bhante mentioned it during QnA, and to me it seems like a ‘repulsive feel’, whereas in Vipassana, connotes seeing things as they really are (a neutral sort of feeling).  So was wondering what it is?
by (3.0k points)
Can you elaborate a bit more on what exactly you want to know? Your question as stated reminds me of the cemetery contemplations. But, maybe you want to know something completely different.
Any more info would be appreciated.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (1.1k points)

The ten kinds of foulness are corpses in different stages of decay: 

  1. a bloated corpse, 
  2. a livid corpse, 
  3. a festering corpse, 
  4. a dismembered corpse, 
  5. an eaten corpse, 
  6. a scattered-in-pieces corpse, 
  7. a mutilated and scattered-in-pieces corpse, 
  8. a bloody corpse, 
  9. a worm-infested corpse, 
  10. a skeleton. 

This set of meditation subjects is especially recommended for removing sensual lust. 
So the whole purpose of doing it is actually to remove the misunderstanding of the attractiveness of the human body by contemplating its eventual fate. They can be observed without repulsion, but it takes time for a meditator to get there. When and if they arrive to no repulsion, it may mean they no longer cling to form. 

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