+1 vote
by (730 points)
I tend to think that an event appears to have triggered a feeling, I note the feeling, then I start to think that if the event hadn't happened this feeling would not exist, I note thinking and disliking.

Would it be correct to say, the extrapolation that the event led to the feeling is misguided? I can not see that one led to the other, it appears that way as one comes after the other. And there is the aversion to the feeling/not wanting it to be there. Can you share any resources or talks which might help form a better perspective on extrapolation and aversion in this manner?
by (730 points)
Wow, some teachings to study and contemplate for sure. Thank you very much Austin.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1.3k points)
Check if this answer is perhaps in the direction and perspective you are looking for

by (730 points)
Wow, some teachings to study and contemplate for sure. Thank you very much Austin.
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