+1 vote
by (180 points)
Hello everyone, I hope you have a great day today.

I can sit on a chair and meditate for 1-1,5 hours, but when it comes to a cross-legged position (Burmese) I am able to sit around 30-40 minutes, and then unbearable pain arises. What should I do? My question is should I sit on a chair or in a Burmese position? Or somehow to combine those practices?

Thank you so much!
by (180 points)
Thank you so much!

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (8.5k points)
Sit in any position that is comfortable but try not to run away from pain. Pain will arise in any position you choose. Try to alternate between sitting and walking meditation. Also, we recommend not to sit or walk longer than one hour at a time. If you want to continue meditating after sitting one hour switch to walking meditation.
by (180 points)
Thank you so much!
+1 vote
by (3.0k points)
I agree with M. on this one. It really doesn't matter where you sit. Remember that you should develop sati/mindfulness in every position anyway. I myself am having chronic pain issues. Sometimes I can't even sit. In that case I meditate lying down. Sometimes I can only sit on chairs. Then I meditate sitting on a chair. Sometimes I can sit on a meditation cushion, then I meditate sitting on a cushion.

There is no special benefit in terms of developing the mind by sitting on a cushion. The position is of no importance at all. On the contrary, the idea that one has to sit a certain way or walk in a certain way has to be let go off eventually.
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