0 votes
by (120 points)
Dream: walking side of top mountain and my left deep down there is a very big sea and beside sea there is a huge Buddha statue and under the statue 5 monks sitting in small cave and I can see them from top of the mountain there was chanting OM manthra I can hear the manthra the 5 monks chanting and beside the huge statue there is waterfall ...what is the meaning of my dream? And I try hard to explain..

2 Answers

0 votes
by (8.5k points)
edited by
We don't believe dreams have meaning in our tradition.
by (120 points)
Okay tq..but I still have doubt why buddha on my dream I'm not worshipping Buddha..btw thanks again
0 votes
by (18.8k points)

There are various types of dreams. Some are caused due to biological activities in the body during your sleep. Some are just random memories and perceptions popping up. Some are caused by various ailments. Some are possible premonitions.  Ex: The dream of queen Maya when she became pregnant. The five dreams of the Bodhisatta. The 16 dreams of king Kosala

OM is a Hindu Mantra technique. So it is likely that this dream is a mere product of random memories and things you have heard in the past coming together to form a mental mishmash.

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