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by (300 points)
Inner dialogue and thought processes are very active.  Stop thinking or trying to stop thinking causes more thoughts about stopping thinking.  Being present practicing the state of non-thinking one is thinking of non-thinking.  Trying to get away from the present moment, thoughts of pass mistakes and traumas and great personal losses enter the mind.   How do we break the habit of excessive thinking?

1 Answer

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by (18.8k points)

Have you read Bhante's booklet? Perhaps you are trying to practice a Samatha meditation. Try Satipattahana meditation for a change. The section dealing with the thoughts is called Cittanupassana. In Cittanupassana, you are supposed to be mindful of the thoughts coming up instead of trying to stop them. They can be thoughts about the past/future or hateful thoughts, greedy thoughts, sad thoughts etc. You just need to keep reminding yourself of what's happening instead of trying to stop them.

by (300 points)
No, I haven't read the booklet.  That makes more sense to me.  I will learn about Cittanupassana, then.  Thank-you.
by (18.8k points)
You're welcome!
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